down payments

美 [daʊn ˈpeɪmənts]英 [daʊn ˈpeɪmənts]
  • n.定金;(分期付款的)首期付款;预付金
  • down payment的复数
down paymentsdown payments

down payments


  • 1
    N-COUNT (购物时的)首付款
    If you make a down payment on something, you pay only a percentage of the total cost when you buy it. You then finish paying for it later, usually by paying a certain amount every month.

    If you're borrowing money for the down payment, provide a copy of the entire loan agreement...


  1. Anyone found accepting down payments or holding payments for homes without the five permits required will face sanctions .


  2. Japanese and South Korean shipyards demanded 20 percent down payments for orders , plus a guarantee from an international bank to pay the rest of the cost if the buyer defaulted .


  3. Lenders want bigger down payments to protect against the falling value of collateral .


  4. Low down payments and ARMs gave homeowners enormous financial leverage to pay high home prices .


  5. We will issue receipts to acknowledge down payments and all payments .


  6. And while banks are willing to accept smaller down payments by their borrowers , interest rates remain relatively high .


  7. Such loans often are used for weddings , car purchases , small businesses and down payments on apartments .


  8. China will also raise down payments and mortgage rates on second-home sales in cities where prices had risen too fast .


  9. The government raised down payments for second home purchases and loan interest rates , according to a report from Guangzhou Daily Tuesday .


  10. But the country has more stringent mortgage restrictions , such as recourse loans for individuals and high down payments .


  11. Some banks restrict the use of funds to down payments on a house as a way to bring in business to their mortgage arms .


  12. Last last month , the Beijing government moved to support the real estate market with measures including allowing second home buyers to make lower down payments .


  13. Strict regulations since 2009 , including mandatory 30 per cent down payments for first-time buyers , limit opportunities for irresponsible borrowing .


  14. They included higher minimum down payments and sales taxes levied on transactions , or stamp duties , of up to 8.5 % .


  15. Dodge and Hyundai have launched crowdfunding programs geared to help buyers round up contributions from friends and family toward down payments .


  16. They 've mandated minimum down payments of50 % on second homes and are considering property taxes to rein in speculative purchases .


  17. Many of the underlying mortgages were highly risky , involving little or no down payments and initial rates so low they could never amortize the loan .


  18. Reports of last-minute discounts , free renovation , free cars and " cost sharing " for down payments abound , suggesting even bigger concessions to come .


  19. Those measures , including higher down payments and lending rates , purchase limits and a promise to increase housing supplies , have achieved some initial results in discouraging speculation .


  20. The gains came after a central government announcement to revise housing sector policies to lower down payments for second homes and loosen a capital gains tax period for apartment sales .


  21. But paternalists may require minimum down payments or the abolition of teaser interest rates and other devices that encouraged ordinary people to borrow more than they could afford .


  22. Analysts said the government could deploy other tools as well , such as mortgage rates , lifting down payments on second homes and slapping on a property tax to cool the sector .


  23. Besides , according to relevant regulations , individual mortgage loans can only be released with the proof of buying house , and we should practice a mobile management on the rate of down payments .


  24. And the banks shall report the administration of foreign exchange about those exceeding us $ 50000 of purchase and payment in foreign exchange for down payments or subordinating expenditures for archival purposes in time .


  25. Efforts to avert foreclosures are being complicated by the large number of subprime borrowers who took out second mortgages so they could afford the down payments on their homes , industry executives say .


  26. The company is also working with telecommunications operators to make it possible for consumers to buy AMOS-based smartphones without paying deposits or down payments , depending on creditworthiness based on their activities on its e-commerce sites .


  27. Poly is offering zero down payments , zero monthly payments and zero interest rates , allowing homebuyers to defer making the minimum 30 % down payment to next year , according to the posters .


  28. On March 30 , the People 's Bank of China , the China Banking Regulatory Commission and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development said buyers of a second home will pay down payments of 40 percent of a home 's price .


  29. In 2007 and again this year , measures were introduced to make speculative house-buying less attractive – this year the policies have included higher down payments for mortgages on second and third homes and increasing the mortgage rates for second homes .


  30. Unhelpful on that score was the recent announcement that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac would be charging higher fees at the start of 2014 to guarantee mortgages of borrowers with lower credit scores and an inability to put up the full 20 % down payments on home purchases .
